Starting at $249/month
What’s included in edits?
Unlimited edits include edits to content on any page, changing banners, headers or footers, changing plugin settings, CSS adjustments & tweaks, blog content or context edits, formatting landing pages, changing images, adding images or text, adding coupon codes, updating shopping carts and more.
What’s not included in edits?
Unlimited edits do not include custom development (examples include: coding new PHP in source files, building plugins, building themes, building landing pages from a mockup), updating custom code, graphic design, PSD to WordPress, creation of content or building out a new website or subdomain.
What about SEO?
We offer a comprehensive Search Engine Optimization & Marketing service if you need SEO services. For our unlimited edits & support plan we follow best practices when making every edit and provide basic optimization, when possible.
Unlimited support and WP fixes
Whether you need help with configuring a setting within a plugin, troubleshooting an error, fixing front-end content displaying incorrectly, or changing broken backlinks, our experts can assist. We cover a wide range of requests, generally ones that can be performed within the WordPress admin.
Unlimited requests
We get a lot of questions about our unlimited support. But it’s true! Unlimited really means unlimited when it comes to the support and edits we provide. We don’t like to nickel and dime people, so our monthly plans include all the unlimited technical support and edits.
Response and Resolution times
We answer requests within 2-6 hours on average. Depending on the ticket or request, we typically resolve each request within 24-48 hours on average, but many clients could have small edits completed much faster.
Custom development
If you have a larger project that requires custom work or is outside of scope, we can discuss the scope of work and provide a quote for your project.
Is it really just $249 for any site?
Our $249/month plan is a perfect fit for 99% of business websites, but some sites do require special attention due to the technical requirements of advanced features. If you have a site that includes a shopping cart, membership management or custom 3rd party integrations we will provide a site review and customize a plan for you.